A race with a difference is set to kick off a busy racing schedule for Bright next weekend. All proceeds from the inaugural Alfred 6 hour Charity Mountain Bike Race on the 20 September 2014 will go to The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne. The proceeds will help fund a redevelopment of the life saving Emergency and Trauma Centre at The Alfred. As if you needed any extra incentive to go to Bright and ride your bike!
Here’s what they had to say.
100% of profits from the event will be donated to The Alfred Hospital.
Emergency and trauma care has been a focus of The Alfred for over a century, the hospital has been instrumental in the evolution of a world standard trauma service. The Alfred treats approximately half a million patients every year, and of that around 60,000 people come through the doors of our Emergency and Trauma Centre. All funds raised during the event will go towards the redevelopment of the Emergency and Trauma Centre at The Alfred.
Natural Impressions Photography – Bright
Included in the redevelopment will be a new ‘Rapid Intervention and Treatment Zone’ to provide more dedicated space for patients to go on arrival. In this zone, patients will be seen immediately by a clinical team who will make an assessment and quickly decide what needs to happen next. The layout will be configured in such a way as to allow better monitoring of patients, and enhanced communication between staff and patients.
Across the centre, there will be an increased number of private cubicles for patients to be assessed and treated and an additional CT scanner and new digital x–ray area will allow faster diagnostics.
“We know The Alfred is only going to become even busier and we want to be ready with the Emergency and Trauma Centre of the future – today.Our Staff have been working hard to design, develop and implement a new model of care, and the redevelopment of the Emergency and Trauma Centre will help us provide even better outcomes for patients.” De Villiers Smit, Director, Emergency and Trauma Centre
The race has both three and six-hour options. There is also the added choice of riding with your friends or family in a relay format through Bright’s dedicated mountain bike single track and dirt roads. All information can be found on the website at www.alfred6hour.org.au.
Natural Impressions Photography – Bright