The 2013 Cape to Cape race kicked off today at 12.30pm with stage one from Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse up to Hamelin Bay. The start was a 50km from Margaret River itself, so a short drive down to the start was needed. Midday starts are always fun – when to eat, what to eat challenges are […]
Who’s who at the Cape to Cape
For a few years now mountain bike stage racing in Australia has been growing. Whether it was Terra-Australis, Mountains to Beach, The Red-Center Enduro or even Wildside in Tasmania – racers had a few options, but there never seemed to be one that hit the nail on the head with location, time of the year, […]
Overtaking étiquette in Mountain Bike Racing – according to Shippo
There is a huge elephant in the corner of the mountain bike room. He’s been there for a long while, but recently he has started to make a bit of noise. Elephants can do that. The elephant I speak of is the one that pertains to riders of different abilities sharing the very same bit […]
Kowalski Classic – a course preview
Myself and Kyle Ward (Rockstar Racing) were lucky enough to get an invite from Alan, of the famed Kowalski Brothers Trailworks crew, to head into East Kowen forest for a preview the trails they’ve just built for the Kowalski Classic Marathon, and also to sample the first 50km of this year’s course – and after […]
Shippo’s Blog: Get the bloody thing finished.
Despite Huw Kingstons Highland Fling, held in NSW, being the unofficial National Marathon Champs, the Convict 100, really always feels like the NSW Marathon champs to me. If you race an MTB in the state, you have to be there. It is one of those dates in your calendar that gets marked in first. In the […]
#fullpro – Be Careful What You Wish For
How many times have you been at the coffee shop, and you overhear someone saying ‘wow dude – that’s so pro’. Or someone else say “yeah – I picked up some sponsors, I’m kinda pro now”. #fullpro – it’s the tag to use on Twitter (so I am told by my Twitter advisors). There was […]
Race Preview: 3 Ring Circus
As a boy, I lived in a town with a village green. Through the summer, cricket would be played there, and whilst talking about winning The Ashes, a glass of Pimms would be drunk by the adults. I didnt really care for the summer, nor the cricket, nor the Pimms, and I didn’t really know […]