Rapid Ascent’s off-road weekend in Forrest, Victoria, is back again in 2025. With the Otway Odyssey taking centre stage on Saturday 22nd February, the following Sunday is all about gravel. The Great Otway Gravel Grind (GOGG) was launched in 2017, with two event distances on the gravelled forest roads between Forrest and the Great Ocean Road… and back again.
Since the first event, the GOGG has continued to grow. Some riders stay on from Saturday’s Odyssey, with elite riders contending for the Queen and King of the Otway crowns. These are awarded to the riders who have the cumulative best place across the two events. While the racing at the front of the GOGG, and the Odyssey, is fierce, both events attract far more people who are there for the personal challenge as much as their finish position. And that’s where the GOGG truly shines, as a gateway to off-road riding for those with a mountain bike, gravel bike or cyclocross bike.

With a 49km and 97km route, riders can choose their challenge. The 97km GOGG route is no walk in the park, and an ideal challenge for those with a new gravel bike which is itching for premium gravel. With over 2200m of climbing to complete, just make sure you’re ready for 5 hours or more in the saddle. To that end, Rapid Ascent include 3 time out zones. As you cross the line into them, your event timing stops. Grab a coffee, fill your bottles, stretch out that niggling injury that has flared up, or just stare into the sky as you wonder if you may have started too fast.
Jokes aside, the benefit is you can relax, refill your supplies, and even head out of the time out zone in a small group, which will almost certainly be faster than riding on your own. Of course if you’re racing, you can use the time out zones tactically. Spend longer in there and catch up to your group and you’ll be ahead of them on race time…
The 49km route packs in just over 1000m of climbing, but overall is something much more achievable if this is your first event of this type. With one time out zone, you do need to be able to be self-sufficient for the first 33km before you can get more water. As an entry point to off-road events, there might be no better place to start!
Gear tips for the Great Otway Gravel Grind
If you’re new to gravel riding, no doubt you’ve seen every brand extolling the freedom available by riding on gravel roads. Some of that is true. Yes, you can go more places than on a road bike. If you’re thinking ‘free speed’ compared to a mountain bike, then some of that is also true. But let’s look at a few considerations before the big day.
Tyres for gravel
Rapid Ascent reckon you can do the GOGG on an all-road bike with 32mm tyres. And we agree – if you know what you’re doing. In general, gravel tyres are just like mountain bike tyres. Everyone thought skinnier was faster for a while, but now understand that wider is better and at lower pressure.

A 40-45mm tyre is a good choice, with a faster centre tread and some more shoulder knob. Something like a Maxxis Rambler is a great all-rounder. Set them up tubeless, run fresh sealant, and consider using a tubeless tyre insert in the back wheel to reduce your chance of pinch flats at speed.
Hydration and nutrition
Choose your event distance, work our your average speed, and then determine how long you will be in the saddle. What are your nutrition needs for that? Factor in about 1L an hour (or more on a hot day) and you’ll realise it’s time to make a proper nutrition plan. Rapid Ascent have the time out zones mapped, but we expect you’ll need to start with two full bottles, and a pocket of ride snacks.

Don’t go too light on your bottle cages, as gravel roads can dislodge full bottles from lightweight cages. Consider yourself warned!
Prepare your drivetrain
Just pop some chain lube on, right? It’s not always so simple. If this is your first foray into a timed off-road event, you may not realise that pedalling when against the clock puts some extra load on everything. And that includes your drivetrain. In the week prior to the GOGG, clean your bike, and degrease the drivetrain. Don’t do this last minute, as chances are you may find somethat that needs attention!
And instead of slathering on the chain lube at hand, think about what you need. For 4-6 hours or more in dry conditions, many ‘dry’ chain lubes will run just that – dry. Many riders prefer wax based lubes like Squirt or Smoove. Ride Mechanic also have their new Bike Cream which is a wax based lube that is water based for easy clean up. Whatever you use, follow the directions – but apply it to a clean drivetrain to make sure your bike runs well in the event.
Stop right there
If you’re not quite sure how to do much maintenance on your bike, book it in ahead of time. If you’re handy enough with an IKEA allen key, then head to YouTube to look up maintenance for your particular brakes, and take a good look at the brake pads. While the GOGG isn’t hard on brakes per se, if you’re anot accustomed to doing events with other people, or off road, you may use your brakes more than you considered – so better make sure there’s plenty of life in the brake pads. If in doubt – call your friendly local bike shop.

With just a few steps, you can set yourself up for success at the Great Otway Gravel Grind. The GOGG is a great starting point in the world of riding off-road, so make sure you give yourself the best shot at a fantastic day out! All the event details are on the Rapid Ascent website, so don’t miss getting your entry in.