On Friday, we embarked on a journey hundreds of miles north to the picturesque town of Gatehouse of Fleet in Scotland. This tiny, sleepy town is nestled among castles, rolling green hills, stony beaches, and the Irish Sea. However, the tranquility was about to be replaced with a burst of energy as the UCI Gravel […]
Cory Wallace on winning another WEMBO 24hr World Title
This post was provided by Cory Wallace. Photos by Candace Mihalcheon Scotland is part of the United Kingdom and covers the Northern third of the Island of Great Britain. Having some bloodlines from Scotland and having watched the movie Braveheart where William Wallace battles the English for Scottish Independence I had a dream of going […]
British XCM Champs return to Selkirk in May
All photos by Ian Linton The 2015 British Mountain Bike Marathon Championships are again to be staged over a challenging 75 km single lap course in the Scottish Borders, as part of the ever popular Selkirk Mountain Bike Marathon open cycling event, on Saturday 2 May 2015. A British Cycling Spokesman said: “We are delighted […]
Dreaming of a White Christmas and many off road adventures
It is that time of the year again where the Christmas spirit takes over and even the most serious of individuals become cynically interested in the festive season. Houses, trees and streets are covered with decorations and pretty Christmas lights whilst the songs “Fairytail of New York” by The Pogues and “All I want for Xmas is you” […]